Italiano / English

G. Bozzini

Born in Rome in 1961, I remained in Italy for very little as my father’s career brought me to live most of my formative years in Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. As an adult, I continued this nomadic lifestyle and spent many years in the US, various European countries and South Africa. These constant relocations have deeply enriched my life but have also left me with a deep sense of rootlessness and of never quite belonging anywhere. This feeling of displacement has greatly shaped the person I am today and influences most of my paintings; paintings that reveal my attempts to uncover and grasp feelings and emotions that have often escaped me because imbedded in cultural details beyond the grasp of an eternal outsider. Today I have returned to my native country and am a happy resident of the town of Volterra in Tuscany.

@ Gabriella Bozzini 2023
